It’s the middle of the summer, it’s hot, and the longest day of the year is coming in just a couple of days! Here are some interesting links of the week:
- Canadian Couch Potato: 9 Secrets of the Empowered Investor, Part 3
- This post is part of a series which discusses 9 crucial factors which affect investment success.
- Where Does All My Money Go? – High Frequency Trading Judgment Day
- This is about the dangers of high frequency trading.
- Investing Thesis: One half of Canadians don’t feel that they’re financially prepared for retirement [SURVEY]
- Canadians don’t seem to be too prepared when it comes to their financial future.
- My Financial Objectives: MyFinancialObjectives has been recognized for an award!
- My Financial Objectives has been recognized by eCollegeFinder’s Financial Mentor Award. The Financial Mentor Award recognizes the top 50 financial resources on the Internet that allow students to maintain their financial health while in school. Congrats!
- Barbara Friedberg Personal Finance: MBA Course: Investing & Portfolio Management-Class 2
- This article helps explains what bonds are, and why they can help your portfolio.
- My Own Advisor: Wal-Mart Financial Advisors on the Horizon?
- Walmart branching into banking services in Canada? Looks like it’s happening!
- Eliminate The Muda! – Early Retirement Extreme – The rest of the story
- LeanLifeCoach shares the rest of Early Retirement Extreme’s story.
- Money Reasons: Warren Buffett Was A Renter
- In his early days, Warren Buffett used to rent his home. Visit Money Reasons to find out why.
- Wealth Informatics: Are charities spying on you? – What, why, how and more…
- Are charities spying on you? What kind of information are they gathering about you before they call?
- The Passive Income Earner: Children & Money: An Introduction to DRiP
- The Passive Income Earner talks about DRIP investing and teaching his kids about compound growth.
- Deliver Away Debt: State of the Blog – Summertime Edition
- Deliver Away Debt delivers us his state of the blog — summertime edition.
- Canadian Capitalist: Modest CPP Changes in the Works
- Canadian Capitalist covers the coming increases in CPP benefits.
- Everyday Tips and Thoughts: Appreciate the Small Things In Life!
- Sometimes the little things can impact your life in a big, meaningful way.
- My Retirement Blog: Social Security Reform Ideas
- Here are some ideas from My Retirement Blog on how social security can be reformed.
- Narrow Bridge Adventures: Knowing When to Buy and Sell Stock
- Learn the basics of technical analysis and fundamental analysis, and how they can help you with analyzing stocks.
- TheMoneyIllusion: A little more inflation or a little more socialism?
- TheMoneyIllusion talks about interventions in the market, and the choice (or lack thereof) between inflation and socialism.
- The Digerati Life: Workplace Discrimination or Harassment? Fired For Being Too Pretty
- Can you really get fired for being too pretty? Perhaps!
- Invest In the Markets: Comparing Investment Styles
- This post compares the momentum style, the value style, and more.
- Andrew Hallam: The World’s Greatest Stock Market Trader?
- Andrew Hallam is going to be interviewing who might be one of the world’s greatest stock market traders, and he would like your input in preparing questions for the interview! Check out the post to find out more.
- Kitco: Jon Nadler: The Creeping Art of Ultracrepidarianism
- Jon Nadler discusses current market events and includes a few interesting topics: “The article focuses on the non-existence of gold in the LME’s vaults. That’s right, the NON-existence of it.”, “… on the matter of Australian Gold Confiscation”, and “‘The Dangers of Buying Gold’ –in the wrong form”.
- Daniel Amerman: Soaring Government Spending “Crowds Out” Private Investment Returns
- Daniel Amerman talks about government crowding out of private spending.
- AI That Picks Stocks Better Than the Pros
- Can an AI beat the pros in stock picking? Check out the article to find out more.
- Singularity Hub: What’s The Secret Behind Success? A Kiva Robot Warehouse
- Increasing automation is lowering costs and increasing competition, day after day. Check out the article to find out more.
- Let A Thousand Nations Bloom: Campaign to Break up Belgium Gathers Pace: Secession In Our Midst
- Is Belgium about to break up? It would certainly be interesting, and a bit strange given the seat of the EU.
- New Scientist: First replicating creature spawned in life simulator
- Can life begin from just a few rules? This article shows how “astounding complexity can arise from simple beginnings and processes – an echo of life’s origins, perhaps.”
- Naked capitalism: “Death of an Economic Paradigm”
- Are Adam Smith’s ideas finished? Read on to see what these guys have to say about it.
- 7 million 7 years: The much maligned Robert Kiyosaki
- 7 million 7 years talks about the guy that wrote “Rich Dad, Poor Dad”, and his own take on things.
- The Seasteading Institute: Ephemerisle: Evolving Society on Humanity’s Next Frontier, July 22-25
- Ephemerisle is the initial step in a grand experiment: the first practical foray into colonizing the oceans. To learn more about Ephemerisle and how to get involved, please visit

Wow! Very impressive list!
I’ll have to check it out tomorrow! Time to go swimming with my kids now though 🙂
Thank you for including me!! Great articles! Can’t wait to dig in and check them all out!
Thanks for including me in your list. I’ll try and check a few of these links tonight!
Thanks for mentioning me! I love these roundup posts because you always suggest some really good reading.
Thanks so much for the mention. Unfortunately I am on vacation so I won’t be able to check these guys out until next week! Ok, I’m off to the beach! 🙂
Thanks for mentioning my article… and congrats, that is a great list of reads!