What are your pet peeves? I don’t think I have too many, but here are a couple that come to mind, because I find them particularly disgusting:
- People who spit their gum out onto drinking fountains. Why do people do this? It’s disgusting to the next user of the faucet, and there’s often a garbage literally 5 feet away. Were these people really too lazy to spit their gum into the garbage instead of onto a water fountain? Don’t they feel ashamed of themselves when they do this? If not, well, they should.
- People who take massive dumps in the toilet and don’t feel like it’s worth 5 seconds of their time to flush the toilet. Again, don’t these people feel ashamed of themselves? I can understand if the toilet was broken, but a lot of the time the toilet is working just fine — the person was just too lazy to flush the toilet themselves. This is really rude and disrespectful of not only the next person who uses the bathroom, but also of the person whose job it is to keep the bathroom clean.
This is my first mid-week reading edition. I decided to run one this week since there were simply too many good reads from the week before to fit them all in one round-up!
Midweek reading
- Drill, Baby, Drill! Drilling Activity Forecasted to Rise in 2011 (Beating The Index)
- Mich covers the oil & gas drilling industry, and gives an overview of different companies in the industry and their price, market cap, and dividend yield.
- Are Public Pensions the Next Bubble? (Balance Junkie)
- In this ongoing deleveraging, could it be that public pensions will be the next bubble to burst?
- Best of think-tank commentary (Larry MacDonald)
- Larry MacDonald shares his favorite commentary published recently by Canadian think tanks.
- Black Friday Shopping tips and tricks (Wealth Informatics)
- Will you be taking advantage of Black Friday shopping? I know that I might be. Wealth Informatics shares some useful tips and tricks to make the best of Black Friday.
- Blending Top Down Macro Economic Analysis and Bottom Up Stock Picking For Outperformance with Andrew Parkinson of Van Arbor Asset Management (Investing Thesis)
- Arjun interviews Andrew Parkinson of Van Arbor Asset Management.
- Building Wealth with Passive Income (The Extra Money Blog)
- How can you build passive income, and what are the benefits of doing so? Sunil from The Extra Money Blog takes a look.
- Guest Post: Young Stars and Their Cars (The Wise Buck)
- In this guest post, The Wise Buck looks at the wheels that some young stars are driving.
- Guide to Mobile Broadband β Is It For You? (Everyday Tips and Thoughts)
- Everyday Tips and Thoughts has a guest post up about mobile broadband. I find this incredibly cool as we are getting more and more connected to the cloud. You can take your information anywhere with you so long as you have a connection. With a laptop, internet connection, and a way to generate revenue, that would be pretty liberating.
- Renting Versus Home Ownership (The Loonie Bin)
- The Loonie Bin gives his thoughts on renting versus home ownership, with a Canadian perspective.
- Teaching Kids to Live Green (One Income Dollar)
- In this post, One Income Dollar looks at how we can teach kids to live a greener life.
- youngandthrifty Book Review: The RESP Book: The Complete Guide to RESPs for Canadians (Young & Thrifty)
- Young & Thrifty reviews The RESP Book: The Complete Guide to RESPs for Canadians by Money Smarts Blog.
- Collision course with debt supercycle? (Larry MacDonald)
- How Inflation Screws the Poor the Most (Darwin’s Money)
- The Federal Reserve Plunders America (Hope to Prosper)
- What Drives Profits? (Mises Daily)
- Homemade Jerky – How to Make Beef Jerky (Out of Debt Again)
- Dear Mark: Sun Exposure and Glass (Mark’s Daily Apple)
- Why Did Grok Live So Long? (Mark’s Daily Apple)
- British Expatriate Investors in Singapore (Andrew Hallam)
- Psychic Predictions (Little House)
- What Are Capital Gains? (Canadian Finance Blog)
- Charisma is not a gift. Itβs a choice (Get Happy Life)
- Fit in a Fun Friday β Bingo (Budgeting in the Fun Stuff)
- How Many Grad Students Do We Need? (Mises Daily)
- Make Money Blogging: Writing for Yourself vs. Writing for Others (Personal Dividends)
Thanks to The Daily Capitalist for sharing this.
Hope everyone is enjoying the week so far. Thanks for all of the great commentary and feedback. π

Thanks a lot for mentioning the book!
Congrats on your success so far!
You’re right. There are a lot of great articles here. I’m honoured to be included. Thanks! π
Np! π
Kevin, thanks a million for the link.
My pet peve is littering. I live in one of the prettiest places in the country. And, I absolutely hate to see scumbags show up and leave their garbage on the beach. I’m not sure why so many people are clueless, but it’s really annoying.
That’s another thing that I hate. It’s a shame to see that…
Thanks for mentioning my link! So many articles, so little time. π
No problem! π
I think all my pet peeves are related to how corporate operate these days. My #1 corporate pet peeve is compressed cubicle! I hate compressed cubicle. I am surrounded by gray fabric in a 5×8 space and half the space is taken up by formica working surface. This must be what it feels like in a grave. My company is making billions of dollars and they can’t give me a normal size cubicle??? This is fueling my hatred of the corporate world.
Well, I can see why you want to get out by fourty! I have similar thoughts about the corporate life… though my cubicle isn’t that bad now, I have been in dungeons before in the past.
Wow. I was so not ready for pet peeve number two. Ha-ha. I never thought in a million years I would read the words “massive dumps in the toilet” on a financial blog. Thanks for the shock treatment. π
Haha, sorry for being so graphic. π I’ve been back at the university lately for night classes, so these are the kinds of things I’ve been noticing…
It seems like they made you nervous, Kevin! I think all people have some disgusting habits – it remains uncertain to the modern science why does that happen in an 21st century, when new worlds are being discovered, ecological sources of energy are exploited and robots substitute man in hard work …
I have no idea. I suppose it could be worse…
I haven’t been feeling well this week, and one of my pet peeves today happened and I almost lost it.
I was walking out of the store with my 22 pound Amish turkey and this woman is walking in the parking lot, smoking her face off. She then takes the cigarette butt and throws it on the ground, like the earth is her personal dumpster.
Why do people think that cigarette butts are not litter???
Thanks for the link, and happy Thanksgiving last month! π
I hate that too, especially when done by a car in front of me. I guess the cigarette butt decomposes over time, but it’s still dirty and annoying.
P.S. Happy Thanksgiving! That is one big turkey…
Everyday Tips,
I hate this too. I remember working as a Box Boy as a kid and I was out getting carts one day. This idiot reached out the window and dumped his entire ash tray on the ground. Unfortunately for him, he left his window open. So, as soon as he went into the store, I scooped up all of his butts and threw them back into his car. I could have been fired for this, but I couldn’t let it pass.
This one made me LOL. That guy must have been pissed… I wonder if he changed his behavior for the better after that.
Thank you! Happy Thanksgiving!
You too! I’ll be in at work and school tomorrow. :S I have friday off though, although there’s no occasion up here. Got the final exam next week, and then no school at night again! The free time is gonna feel weird…
Haha! Those are two very big pet peeves that I share too. I would like to add women who don’t feel it necessary to throw away their sanitary napkins or who don’t properly flush their tampons down the toilet.
AND those who feel it necessary to step on the toilet seat and piss all over it and don’t feel it necessary to wipe up after themselves.
It’s times like that that remind me that I’m glad that I’m a guy…. π
You know once at a very busy nightclub in Asia, I brought my girlfriend into the guy’s bathroom with me (get your minds out of the gutter, people!)? Why? It was literally a half-hour wait to get into the girl’s washroom, whereas there was no line at all for the guy’s washroom. I saw some other guys doing it, too, so I figured nobody should get pissed, haha.
Those two choices are rather annoying. In the cinema here people answer phones and talk at normal volume. They also chat all through the movie!
Haha. Those people would probably have some popcorn dumped over them here!
pet peeve – folks leaving grocery carts anywhere as if they own the lot. worst yet, they would leave it near a car so the wind can blow the cart as it hits and dings the car. wow….
great to see the roundup and my post mentioned. thank you very much, wishing you continued success and happy thanksgiving holiday to everyone
That’s another annoying one! Before some supermarkets started putting in magnetic strips, you could also find carts strewed all over the neighbourhood in supermarkets surrounded by apartments. π
Okay, those are two gross pet peeves. I can’t imagine anyone not being annoyed by those!! Although I can’t say I’ve *EVER* been in a woman’s restroom and found it unflushed unless the toilet was actually broken.
It’s probably much more common at universities and colleges than at a workplace or other more professional settings… I’ve only seen this sometimes at my work, and the toilet WAS broken.
Hey Kevin,
Thanks for mentioning the post. Have a great weekend!
Thanks Mike, you too!
Oh man…… your PEt Peeve #2 I TOTALLY relate! WTF! I sometimes go to a different floor in my office to use the rest room b/c it’s so disgusting on mine. What’s wrong with flushing and keeping things clean??
Got a couple more pet peeves coming up… can’t believe these people are university students. I must have forgotten what it was like, or maybe the students are just lazier these days or something.
We had a job market candidate who didn’t put the seat down in the unisex bathroom. Grr.
so glad you decided to put a photo up of #1 and not #2!!! (pun intended)
LOL… I don’t want to scare away people π