Have you decided it’s time to get off the couch? Good for you. The first step is to make a plan. Any fitness and healthy lifestyle plan should be simple, attainable and most of all sustainable. Nothing will happen overnight and nothing will happen without a serious commitment. The lifelong benefits will more than outweigh the effort it takes to get there. Don’t see it as a struggle – but a new lifestyle. Healthy eating and regular workouts become addictive in a positive way. Your body will begin to reject sugar and your muscles will begin to demand the energy derived from frequent workouts. Take the plunge and get in shape!
Start simple. One of the biggest steps to take at the beginning of any lifestyle change that has the most benefit is the elimination of sugar in your diet. Start to eliminate sweet sodas, baked goods and candy from your diet. Replace these with cinnamon or honey flavorings to satisfy your sweet tooth without all the added calories of sugar. Your body will begin to experience withdrawal symptoms and this will last four to five days. Drink plenty of water during this period and eliminate alcohol during the withdrawal period. Two key reasons to eliminate alcohol are the amount of sugar in alcoholic beverages and with consumption, your resolve to stay away from sugar will weaken. Don’t sabotage your efforts! Replace large quantities of white carbs with fruits and vegetables. You’ll begin to feel a huge surge in energy and the pounds will slowly start to melt off. Once the sugar cravings are out of your system – this is sustainable.
The next step is simple. Commit to a brisk walk for twenty or more minutes every day. This may not seem like a lot, but if you’re coming out of a sedentary lifestyle, you’ll truly begin to feel your muscles stretch and your lungs strengthen through daily walks. Put on some casual, comfortable clothes (get discount codes on great clothes from JCPenney’s page on Groupon Coupons) and get moving. After you’ve been walking every day for a week, being introducing activities that you enjoy for thirty minutes a day. This can include gardening, housekeeping, bike riding, kayaking, etc. The options are only limited by your imagination. If you’re not comfortable in a gym or on a treadmill, there’s no reason to go there. Take it slow and enjoy your new journey!