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We’re entering a new season, nearly three years after the beginnings of the worldwide recession. Government stimulus plans have not turned things around; in fact, they have added significantly to the debt without much to show for it. Will Europe get over their debt woes? Will China save us all? Where do we go from here?
Here are some interesting posts that I’ve read on these topics lately:
- China Fears Much Ado About Nothing (Financial Sense)
Many are celebrating the Moon Festival in Asia this week. Is the bear case against China overblown?
- More of the Same (Peter Schiff)
Read Peter Schiff’s thoughts on Obama’s latest ‘stimulus’ plan.
- Once Upon a Time (FOFOA)
FOFOA gives a compelling overview of the history and evolution of monetary standards over the centuries, and gives his insight on where things are going next, and what that means for gold and the Euro.
- The ECB’s Italian Job (The Daily Capitalist)
What will the ECB do next to address Europe’s sovereign debt woes?
- The Gnome Thought Experiment (Mises Daily)
Learn more about idle resources, the output gap, and what happens when gnomes attack.
- The Two Year Anniversary Of “China’s Ghost Cities” Epic Keynesian Fail (Zero Hedge)
A little bit earlier one guy was telling us not to worry about China. This article seems to paint a different picture. What’s really going on in China?
- What modern free banks might look like (Free Banking)
What would our banking system look like if we had a free banking system today?
What are your thoughts on the state of the economy today?

I see mixed signals going on actually. Overall, I think our country’s huge debt load is quite frightening. However, I also know people who have gotten jobs recently and some businesses seem to be spending a little more. Our economy just reacts and I feel like there is no control.
By the way, I don’t think Europe will recover anytime soon, and who knows what will go on in China. In the 90s Japan was going to rule the world and now it is China. Maybe in 2020 it will be Brazil… (not really, just making a point.)
Hi Kris,
This is so true. Sometimes it’s funny just how easily we forget history. I’m not sure how things will look by 2020, but I suspect the world order will be a bit more different than it was from 2000 to 2010.
Hey, I’m Chinese myself! China’s economy has notably slow down, which should be reflected in American international corporations’ reports next year.
China really is an enigma to me. So wonderful and productive in many ways, in other ways a seemingly capitalist haven with its special economic zones… but in other ways, it’s still quite repressive and corrupt.